Mass Inventory Upload

If you want to list a lot of items and it is too time-consuming to list them via the Sell Item screen, you can Mass Upload your items into BrickLink via an XML file. How you generate that file is up to you.

The following is a sample file containing 3 items to be listed. The first 2 are basic and the 3rd is advanced. Detailed explanation of all tags follows. You may cut + paste the below lines of code and test the upload verification process to see how they come out. Each item in your file goes through thorough verification before being accepted for upload. If there is an error on an item, the verification process will show you the error(s) and ask you to correct your file and re-submit it.

Sample File:
        <DESCRIPTION>Slope 45 2 x 2</DESCRIPTION>
Tags for Uploading Regular Items:
Each file must begin with a <INVENTORY> tag and end with a </INVENTORY> tag.
Each item you are listing must begin with a <ITEM> tag and end with a </ITEM> tag.

Each tag must begin with its own tag and end with a corresponding closing tag. The tags that are optional don't require to have any data in them and you are not required to generate the tags. You can generate the tags in any order you want. Omitting a required tag will generate errors and your file will not be processed. Placing HTML tags in descriptions unfortunately does not work at this time.

<ITEMTYPE> (Required) Item Type ID (Field Explanation | Download Item Type Table)
<ITEMID> (Optional) Item Number (Field Explanation)
Optional but if you do not include it then your item will not be tied to the reference catalog and thus will be more difficult to find by buyers on the site.
<CATEGORY> (Required if ITEMID tag blank) Category ID (Field Explanation | Download Category Table)
If you fill in the ITEMID tag then the system automatically assigns your item the proper category and will discard the one you enter.
<COLOR> (Required) Color ID (Field Explanation | Download Color Table)
Use only for Parts or Gear. For other item types, color will be automatically assigned the 0 (Not Applicable) color.
<PRICE> (Required) Price (Field Explanation)
<QTY> (Required) Quantity (Field Explanation)
Can be positive or negative. If it's positive, the item will be listed as a new item or consolidated with an existing item in your inventory if you select option "Consolidate lots with my existing inventory". If it's negative, BrickLink will try to find that item in your inventory and if it's found, it will subtract the quantity from the quantity in your inventory. If the result is less than or equal to 0, the item in your inventory will be deleted. If the item is not found in your inventory, the item will be deleted from your XML file.
<CONDITION> (Required) Condition (Field Explanation)
Valid values are N (New) or U (Used)
<SUBCONDITION> (Required for Sets Only) Sub-Condition (Field Explanation)
Valid values are C (Complete) or I (Incomplete) or S (Sealed)
<BULK> (Optional, defaults to 1 if not entered) Bulk Amount (Field Explanation)
<DESCRIPTION> (Optional, required if ITEMID tag is blank) Description (Field Explanation)
Seller's comments.
<EXTENDED> (Optional) Extended Description (Field Explanation)
<SALE> (Optional, defaults to 0 if not entered) Sale (Field Explanation)
<REMARKS> (Optional) Seller's Remarks (Field Explanation)
<BUYERUSERNAME> (Optional) Private Sale - Reserved For Username (Field Explanation)
Enter the username of the member for which you want to reserve the item.
<STOCKROOM> (Optional) Stockroom Item (Field Explanation)
Valid values are N (No) or Y (Yes). If omitted, defaults to No (Not a Stockroom Item).
<STOCKROOMID> (Optional) Multiple Stockroom ID (Field Explanation)
Valid values are A or B or C. If omitted, defaults to Stockroom A. The STOCKROOM (with value Y) tag is required in order for this field to work if this field is present.
<RETAIN> (Optional) Retain After Sold (Field Explanation)
Retains an item in inventory after it is sold out. Valid values are N (No) or Y (Yes). If omitted, defaults to No (item is deleted after it is sold out).
<MYCOST> (Optional) My Cost (Field Explanation)
<MYWEIGHT> (Optional) Custom Weight (Field Explanation)
(Optional, you must generate all 6 tags or none) Tiered Pricing (Field Explanation)
Tiered Quantity 1
Tiered Price 1
Tiered Quantity 2
Tiered Price 2
Tiered Quantity 3
Tiered Price 3
Tags for Uploading Super Lots:
All super lots must be sorted at the bottom of the file next to one another. A regular item cannot follow a super lot. The following are tags that must be included in addition to the basic tags above on each item in order to bind those items into a super lot.

<SUPERLOTID> (Required) Super Lot ID
Could be the ID of an existing super lot in your inventory or a temporary numeric ID for each super lot. Must be the same for all items in the same super lot and a different number must be used for items in a different super lot. The Stockroom, Retain and Reserved for option must be the same for all items in the same super lot.
<SUPERLOTQTY> (Required) Super Lot Quantity
Must be the same for all items in the same super lot.
<SUPERLOTTYPE> (Required) ID of Super Lot Type
Must be the same for all items in the same super lot. Valid values are:
  • General Bulk Lots - 6
  • Paired Parts - 2
  • Door on Door Frame - 14
  • Glass on Window - 13
  • Tire on Wheel - 3
<SUPERLOTREMARKS> (Optional) Super Lot Remarks
Limited to 25 characters.
Additional Notes:
  • The XML upload doesn't support the ampersand (&). Use &amp; instead of &.
  • The XML upload doesn't support HTML tags. Use &lt; instead of < and &gt; instead of >

  • Maximum file size is 204800 bytes.
  • If the upload errors out in the middle, the whole file is rolled back and your inventory is returned to how it was before the file was uploaded.