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 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Apr 10, 2022 06:17
 Subject: Help with adjusting shipping countries
 Viewed: 42 times
 Topic: Shipping
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Can someone please point out to me where the page is to adjust which countries
I'm prepared to ship to?
 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Sep 24, 2021 03:43
 Subject: Help with Indentification
 Viewed: 71 times
 Topic: Catalog Identification
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Can I please have some help identifying this part?


 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Aug 11, 2020 06:50
 Subject: Re: Catalog Project - Moving Things
 Viewed: 32 times
 Topic: Catalog
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Some of the huge categories broken down into sub-categories like minifig heads.

There needs to be a standard categorization method published for the descriptions
of all categories. Using heads for example, should they be done top to bottom?

face covering, beard, mustache, goatee, stubble, sideburns etc
other, scars etc

Once a standard descriptive is approved no other words should be used to describe
anything new in that category without first having the new word approved by proving
there is no other way to adequately describe it.

At the moment there seems to be no standard way and it seems it is up to whoever
catalogs the part as how it is described making it very difficult for used sellers
like myself to locate a given part and if I struggle with all my experience heaven
help a newer member.

There should be a little tutorial posted at the start of each category describing
how the descriptions work for that category and what standard words can be used
to help search that category.
 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Apr 18, 2018 23:56
 Subject: Re: Onsite PayPal Payment Notification
 Viewed: 83 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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In Suggestions, gogogovro writes:
  Hi Bricklink,

After switching to PayPal marketplace for onsite PayPal, I no longer receive
email alerts from PayPal that I have been paid. PayPal tells me that all those
notifications now go to Bricklink. I think it Bricklink's responsibility
to pass on those notifications to your sellers. Can you please create an option
to receive payment notifications by email when a buyer has paid for their order?
This could be an option in my account settings that I either turn on or off.
I would think this would not be a huge undertaking and would make the transition
a lot smoother. Especially considering the fact that I did not read anything
about email notifications no longer working in Bricklink's communication
about enabling PayPal marketplace.

Thank you!

Yes this needs to be done.

I contacted Paypal to confirm that the emails are being sent and that Bricklink
is receiving them. I then contacted Admin about 5 days ago but of course that
contact has not been answered.
 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Oct 21, 2017 16:51
 Subject: Clearing should be the same as Paid
 Viewed: 168 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I have just had an instance where a buyer has placed an order in my store and
paid with an echeque. I had set the status to clearing whilst the echeque cleared
and the buyer has
gone and placed another order which instead of creating a new order has been
added as an addition to the old one. This is making things messy.

My suggestion is that any order set to clearing should have the same status as
paid or packed and not allow any additions but create a new order.
 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Jun 16, 2013 19:59
 Subject: Re: Thoughts on instant checkout & postage...
 Viewed: 61 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I voted no and will always vote no unless there is an opt out clause.

Over half my orders especially OS are sent as letters which means a 20mm maximum
thickness. Without the ability to do that which no automatic checkout I think
could handle I will lose most of my OS orders as soon as they fill the cart and
realize the minimum postage is a 500gm parcel with rates starting at AUS $10.25
going through $20.85 depending on destination with most including the US and
Europe in the higher range.

Similar but not as bad domestically with the parcel rate starting at AUS $6.95
for a 500gm parcel but still half of my orders are sent as letters. As an example
today I shipped 10 orders from the weekend, 1 x OS letter, 6 x domestic letters
and 3 x domestic parcels. Unlike say the US with 1oz, 2oz etc parcel rates without
the ability to ship via letter rate I might as well close up shop.



In Suggestions, Brick_Top writes:
  I was the kind of person that never wanted instant checkout to be implemented
here in BL. I thought it would bring problems, overpaying or underpaying,
and also would stop a way of communication with my buyers. I really like to communicate
with them.

However, I was recently invited to test out another Lego selling website that
is under production. This site in particular has instant checkout implemented.
Well, after receiving an order today... I was thoroughly impressed by how well
it worked.

When setting up your store, it requires you to add your shipping methods, either
by weight bands or price bands. On countries where you have dimension limits,
that could be hard to implement. Anyways, after some thinking, this would be
my solution.

First, the simplest things would be to add weight ranges from the cart (you'd
need to weight your envelopes/boxes) and add the price. In example, if my bubble
envelopes weight less than 20 grams, I'd add a shipping band from 0-75 grams,
and put the price for under 100 grams. Or, if my boxes weight about 150 grams,
I'd put another band from 450 grams to... 750 grams, for under 1 KG!

That is the simple part, now let's get to restrictions or special needs.
I'm not sure about restrictions on other countries, but here the restrictions
are not too harsh. For them, and special bulky items, my solution would be to
have a special intern mark in the catalog, so the system knows they are bulky.
For example, let's say I'm adding a raised baseplate to the catalog,
another field could be if it's bulky or not. Bulky could be considered over
2 centimeters high on all three dimensions, or something like that. Yes, it
require some work to be implemented in the actual catalog items, but with this
community's help, it would be easily done. You could also make differences
between big bulky items, such as raised baseplates, or semi-bulky items, such
as some panels. A raised baseplate would make a difference in my shipping costs,
but not a panel, normally.

Now, with the mark, what it would happen is, you get a special option on your
shipping methods to see if your store "cares" for bulky items. I mean, when the
system is making the shipping price to give it to the buyer, it would detect
that his order has bulky items, and then, predefined by the seller, you could
get two different options. Either the seller could establish new rates for bulky
items, or the make the buyer request a regular invoice, so the seller can calculate
the shipping cost.

Solved the restrictions problem. Now on to fees. All fees should be noted up
front, anyways. It's easy to automatize lot limits/fees, packing fees, etc.
The seller would be required to add them, and the system would add them to the
order and show them to the buyer along with shipping prices, before checkout.

Lastly, I would make automatic checkout, at least in the beginning, an option,
not a must. I'm sure many, many sellers would implemented, and those that
feel that they can't, just would not. Probably the former would be small
stores who cannot afford to loose 2$ on shipping and that. That way, you'd
make everyone happy.

On another note, I would automatize fees as a priority, and that cost should
be noted up front before checkout, even if you don't have instant checkout,
as you don't need postage to calculate them.

After this, and having all fees noted up front, postage should always be real
PO cost.

I hope you made it to the bottom of the page, as it was hard for me to write
this long thing.
I you have any more ideas, I'd love you to post them, or to refute my ideas,
that is what the forum is for. I posted is as a suggestion as it is how I'd
like the system to work, or how I think it would work the best. Lots of ideas
in my head!


(Minor but huge typos in the other one )
 Author: DEREKFST View Messages Posted By DEREKFST
 Posted: Jan 19, 2011 17:49
 Subject: Re: SUGGEST: One per customer
 Viewed: 38 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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In Suggestions, melbourne_josh writes:
  Per http://www.bricklink.com/message.asp?ID=460954 which is about to get deleted:

I've often wished there was a way to limit the quantity of an item that can be
purchased at a time. 1-cent promo items of course, but there are other examples.

There would be ways around it, but even basic implementation would be useful.

Of course one is an arbitrary number, an editable number per item would be better!

Sorry Josh but I had to vote no because I know of your and others, pricing, fees
including lot fees and minimum order amount and I just see this as another potential
cynical marketing ploy.

I know all these exist in the real retail world but I would like Bricklink to
keep its innocence for as long as possible.
