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 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Jun 23, 2015 22:23
 Subject: Re: Display number of orders store is yet to proc
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  well doubt buyer feedback is being honest considering you have sellers who leave
a negative feedback when a buyer leaves a neutral because of slow shipping (6
days for a 1 part order).

This in itself should dictate to you that these types of stores you should stay
away from which in itself is giving you the information you need to make an informed
decision. FB is always a good indicator of the stores shipping times. Yes, there
are many who may not want to take a chance on retaliatory FB but there are still
always many who wont care and leave appropriate feed back but unfortunately sometimes
we do not look at FB's of stores we shop in until a problem arises.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 20, 2014 10:39
 Subject: Re: BL Development Team: Test before rollout!
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In Suggestions, lovaquero writes:
  Bricklink World Class Programming & Customer Serivce team -

Test before release. This concept is not hard. Perhaps in your eagerness to
pacify the crowd with pitchforks and torches you have forgotten it. Perhaps you
may just not know. Here is how you do it:

For EACH (individual) change to Bricklink:
#1 - Scope your change to know its impact
#2 - Write your test plan to match the requirements for the change
#3 - Recognize that there are at least three (3) internet browsers to support:
Chrome, Firefox & Internet Explorer (IE)
#4 - Make sure that the test plan fails before any change is made
#5 - Implement the change, and only that change, in a development environment
#6 - Execute the test plan (in an isolated environement that matches the live
environment) for Chrome, Firefox and IE
#7 - Repeat steps 5-6 until the test plan passes for all three (3) browsers
#8* - Run the full test plan on the ENTIRE site to ensure everything still works
#9 - If anything fails, return to step #1 and repeat
#10 - Release the change to the live site.

(* Bricklink is written with ancient software that has so many dependencies,
querks, gotchas and 'hidden' features that it is impossible to know what
a change will do to seemingly unrelated features. That is why the software used
to run Bricklink is no longer used nor even supported, not even by the company
that originally created the software...)

Your new mantra must be: "test! Test! TEST! And then test it again!"

Any modern development team worth being paid - especially one that performs
web development - knows this.

Software Systems Engineer
Solution Infrastructure - Guidance & Machine Automation
John Deere Intelligent Solution Group

Thats a nice pitchfork and torch you carry.

Can you elaborate on what some of these horrible bad things are that BL has recently
done that now make it impossible for anyone to ever use BL again?

So many scream change CHANGE C H A N G E !! then.... oh wait
I dont like this change. I SAID I D O N T
L I K E T H I S C H A N G E ! !

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Jun 29, 2014 18:00
 Subject: Re: Remove Ability to Reply to Certain Members
 Viewed: 36 times
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In Suggestions, fosterbengoshi writes:
  In Suggestions, Rolf writes:
  In Suggestions, fosterbengoshi writes:
  In Suggestions, Rolf writes:
I suggested something similar but more strict - ignore works both ways like it
does at one site. You ignore someone and you won't be able to read that person
posts - but that person ALSO can't read any of yours.

Yes, I am familiar with this. The problem I see is that by completely ignoring
someone, you cannot read anything positive, constructive or helpful they may
post to others. Nor can you read anything they propose that may affect your business.
If the problem is that two members cannot communicate in a civil manner, simply
remove their ability to communicate only with each other.


That's point of ignore function, remove posts you don't want to read.
My suggestion just makes that person cannot read yours either.

I understand Rolf. But ignoring a poster hides ALL posts from that poster, even
the good non-offensive ones. Most people who are ignored do not always write
inappropriate posts. In fact, most of their posts are fine. Wouldn't you
still want to read those?


Let me see if I understand this... if a good discussion starts up and one of
the parties involved with some of the flame wars start posting on that thread
then that would mean the other could not post a comment on that thread at all?
If so, what about then losing out on the good comments of the other person which
is what you dont want to happen, correct?

I agree with others that the people with problems with each other should not
be able to see the posts of the other person. It would probably be best if that
was done by admin and not done simply by a choice being made by one of the problem
persons, this way no flame wars would even be able to start.

As far as losing out on the value of other good posts when you said "The problem
I see is that by completely ignoring someone, you cannot read anything positive,
constructive or helpful they may post to others". I really dont see that as being
much of a possibility considering the feelings both parties have toward one another
and besides, would not the community at large be better off by not seeing any
flame wars erupt at all by doing away with the ability of warring parties not
being able to see any posts by others they have an ongoing war with?

I do not mention all of this because I think that your posts are the ones that
cause the problems by being inflammatory, actually, just the opposite. When a
flame war starts between you and someone else I always find that your posts are
more often based on reason and not on emotions. But regardless who is to blame,
if you cannot see their posts and they cannot see yours then that is a small
price to pay for the good of the community.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Jun 27, 2014 11:39
 Subject: Re: Show All Fees on Checkout and in Terms Page
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Excellent suggestion. Not sure that they will do that, BL resists any attempt
to show the full amount charged for an invoice before the order is submitted.

John P

I dont think BL "resists" showing the full amount charged it is just in the programing
and that makes it sound like BL dosent care which is untrue.

But anyway, I agree, the suggestions are spot on and hopefully they will include
them in near future.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Jun 10, 2014 01:00
 Subject: Re: Minimum order 4 international customers
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In Suggestions, chromeking71 writes:
  I suggested this in the past with little to no response but I would like to be
able to have a different minimum order threshold settings for domestic and international
orders. Personally I'm tired of having small value orders that have high
shipping rates eat into my paypal limit. Even the cheapest international shipping
price isn't so cheap anymore. If I get bashed for being a cheapskate so
be it, but I'd like to get everybody else's input on this too.

One way to help make up for the cost of shipping on smaller orders is to charge
a fee for all international orders under a certain amount. We charge $1.25 off
all domestic orders under $5.00 and the same charge for all international orders
under $10.00.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: May 26, 2014 12:08
 Subject: Re: Order sheet order by remarks?
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Thank you so much

I have been doing it this way for a long time - you will love it.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: May 2, 2014 01:44
 Subject: Re: Chargebacks: Immediately Suspend Buying Privs
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  Thank you. This is one example of many. The most common example I have seen is
where a buyer claims someone hacked into their PayPal and/or BrickLink account
and is making purchases and spending their money without their authorization.
In such cases, the buyer would obviously benefit if BrickLink at least temporarily
made it impossible for the hacker to continue using the buyer's card or account.
If a card or account has been hacked and is being illegally used without the
owner's authorization, we should not have to wait for multiple claims or
further criminal acts before taking preventive action.


What benefit is there for the hacker under your scenario? If he places an order
using a hacked BL account and then hacks the persons PayPal account to pay for
it then wont the order just go the persons address that was hacked? Not that
would be good in any way, but I just don't see this actually happening unless
the hacker has the order sent to his address which I don't think he would
because this would give a direct link to him.

What am I missing?

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 17, 2014 01:40
 Subject: Re: Suggestion: REMOVE SUGGESTIONS
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  But if BL tomorrow decided to delete the Suggestions topic, and posted "Hey,
all! We decided that it's better to just not let you think you have any influence
over the direction the company takes anymore." Well... that would be much much

Not to mention that most of the people who would agree to remove it would probably
also be the same ones who would then complain the loudest that it is no longer

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Feb 12, 2014 16:21
 Subject: Re: Automate Costs When Parting Out
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Your right. I was being an idiot and obviously did not read it close enough to
see that he was taking about HIS COST that he paid for each part.

Ummm, never mind.

Jim, an idiot.
 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Feb 12, 2014 11:29
 Subject: Re: Automate Costs When Parting Out
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The way I accomplish close to the same thing you are looking for is quite simple...

I like to have all our parts in our store to be between 23% and 29% off the 6
month sales average depending on the type of part (such as, more off for wedge
plates and less for bricks) so I just choose the setting to automatically set
the price at the 6 month sales average. Then I go into my inventory and put the
different categories of parts up on sale for the 23% to 29% off.

I have my inventory marked to save all my listings after they are sold out so
that when I part out new sets I dont have to re-apply the sales off percentage
- the only exception is when adding new parts or new part colors which only means
going into my inventory once in a while to reset the percentages off.

If there are certain individual parts I want at less or more then I only need
to set that percentage off once.

The added benefit is that my inventory always reflects the changing 6 month sales

If nothing else, this is a good work around in the interim.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Oct 22, 2012 19:12
 Subject: Re: Order additions when packed
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  You would have gotten the % based fee regardless, but the transaction fee of
30 cents (or pence), you're right, you'd pay that twice. You could invoice with
30 p added.

I agree. You have to charge a more for shipping sense the second order will increase
the weight so you can just add fee to that.

I wouldn't fret too much about it and I definitely would not make a big deal
of it with my customer. The $0.30 fee is just not really worth losing sleep over,
at least to me.

And as mentioned above in a previous post, I too never change the order status
until it is paid for and I have never had a problem with a customer paying. Have
you actually had customers complain that you dont have their order packed before
they pay?

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 20, 2012 12:37
 Subject: Re: Just a thought
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Just knowing that someone who received an email placed an order shortly there
after I think could help statistically to see if the emails actually help to
bring in customers. Especially if you start to see a pattern of shoppers who
just received an email now placing an order.

To me, just knowing that they placed an order after receiving an email would
be great.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 8, 2012 11:01
 Subject: Re: Button Solution (Requirements by German Law)
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  I could for example order 200 mini-figs of which only one lot shows the weight
and then pay the price of 2-3€ for shipment, whereas the seller will pay a multitude
of that.

One easy way around that is for BL to have all mini-figs that do not have the
weight verified yet to be given a generic weight (until the true weight is supplied).
Most mini-figs weigh close enough to the same that a generic weight should work
just fine. This would at least help with mini-figs which is a big percentage
of items with missing weights.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 20, 2011 16:48
 Subject: Re: One way to make performance better
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In Suggestions, oasis writes:
  we all know that server equipment and maintenance can cost.. I, for one, would
welcome a small bump in the fees if I knew it was gonna make the sytem work better!

1/2 of 1% increase in fees paid by the sellers would mean about a 17% increase
in revenue for BrickLink which could be used to update the system and that would
only mean an increase of our fees by $0.05 for every $10.00 we sell - Well Worth
It to see the speed, security and overall experience improve dramatically.

Jim -of- TheBrickGuys
 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: May 1, 2011 05:50
 Subject: Re: I yield my vote to Admin.
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In Suggestions, BigBrickDaddy writes:
  Protection of our buyers is paramount.

I yield my opinion, my vote, and ANY stance I may have to Admin.

My suggestion is;

"A small fee to become a seller. This fee can be returned in a set time period
to the seller, or applied towards future fees"

"Probation period for NEW SELLERS with less then 10 selling feedback"

I suggest a ONE TIME FEE to standing sellers to put some money into a SEPERATE
ACCOUNT to help Admin pay for this service! He can buy some help and use that
fee to make bricklink a safer buying "LEGO HAVEN".

Take this idea and make it grow. DO NOT bash it. Improve upon it. But stop
talking about it and do something.

Have a nice night.

I vote Yes. I think it is a fine idea. The deposit would not have to be big
and burdensome. It could even be refunded if the seller never sells anything.
If he chooses to close his store before any sales then the deposit could be refunded
thru PayPal.

I think it could even help give the privilege of being able to sell on this site
a value, something worth the deposit.

To make it where the deposit is not a burden, the size of the deposit could also
relate to the maximum sale total of each order during that period. As an example,
if someone could only afford a small deposit of $10.00 then a cap of $25.00 total
(or something like that) for each order could temporarily be put in place. If
the person is willing to put a larger deposit down of, lets say, $50.00 then
the cap could be higher.

I have been selling on here for a little short of 3 months and have had a great
experience so far. I would not have minded putting down a deposit even as high
as a $100.00. In fact, I was quite surprised just how easy it was to be to
go from a being a buyer to also being a seller - with almost no restrictions.

As far as having to be retroactive, I don't think that would be necessary for
those who have proven themselves to already be trustworthy.

Just a thought.
 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 29, 2011 23:40
 Subject: Re: Multiple stores, ONE ACCOUNT
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In Suggestions, BigBrickDaddy writes:
  I would like to be able to list my new and used inventory in 2 seperate stores!

We have well over 500,000 used items that we have not been able to sell here
due to the massive amount of hassle we would have trying to keep the new and
used away from each other.

We would like to list these used items in their own store with their own stockroom!

This would increase Brick Link and would increase our bottom line.

We DO NOT want used orders mixed with new orders!

That would be horrible!

Now dont you wish you never asked??
 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 29, 2011 17:05
 Subject: Re: Multiple stores, ONE ACCOUNT
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In Suggestions, DragonAlex writes:
  In Suggestions, BigBrickDaddy writes:
  We have not been able to make it work.

We tried. It was a nightmare.

Trying to define used/new of the same element started to be a very large hassle
for us. The pickers would see pull from the wrong bin, wrong room, or wrong
storage area creating a nightmare for the next buyer.

We pulled all the used inventory and dumped it in large storage bins (around
200 of them). They have been sitting there ever since with another 100-200 bins
of Duplo Items.

We cannot sell them, cannot list them, cannot get the system to bend to the new/used

So we gave up!

Again, it would be nothing but a $$ maker for the site.

I think he means that he will sell all his used stuff on ebay as bulk lots and
not as individuale parts.

Ebay, I think, is better suited for bulk lots, thats what people like over there.
As for myself, I do not care. I am about 1/2 way through creation of an Ebay
store to sell that inventory off.

I would much rather pay fees to Brick Link then Ebay.

Your post makes no sense. If you can sell them on feebay you can sell them here.
You claim your problem lies with your pickers, will they suddenly become smarter
because the invoice comes through feebay?

If taking the used lego off site is your solution to the picker fiasco you should
have no problem integrating them into your BL store. You can then pack the order
from both locations & merge them at the end of the day or whenever is convenient.
Make a note that buying new and used lego will add a day to the transaction time
- whats the big deal?
 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 29, 2011 15:53
 Subject: Re: Multiple stores, ONE ACCOUNT
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  Not quite everyone. I like to know that if I am in someone's shop, this is it,
and I don't have to wonder whether there's something else in another shop of
theirs that I also want at the same time. I also don't like the possibility
that one seller might have more than one shop on the spotlighted / featured store
page. And plenty of people do fine selling both new and used items. What if
someone decides they want a shop strictly for gear, one for sets, one for new
parts, another for used parts... you get the picture. Why complicate things
for users (especially newer ones) as well as use up more of BL's resources unnecessarily?

I think it works fine the way it is.


I have to agree.

The main problem I would say is that it then could start even more of a trend
for others to open multiple stores as Maggie stated.

The reason I say this because where do you draw the line? 500,000 parts? 50,000?
5,000? Or some may feel that.....

"If someone can open up 2 stores for new and used parts, then why cant I open
1 store for parts and one for sets? One for each could help my bottom line because
people will know that my store named 'Billy Bobs Great New Sets R Us', is just
for sets and my other store, 'Billy Bobs Great New Parts R We', is just for parts."

"And if I had a third store named, 'Billy Bobs Great Almost New But Used Parts',
would be really great".

I know this example may be a bit unrealistic (at least the store names), but
once you open up that door it becomes harder and harder to control and it could
help lead to more and more dishonest abuse.

I would say a better solution would be to change the format so that people could
have one category for new parts and one category for used parts. That way you
can completely keep them separate. You could then set up your orders to sort
first by condition of the parts. This would allow you to have a good amount of
separation and also allow people to place orders with a combination of new and
used parts with out having to pay for separate shipping charges.
