Discussion Forum: Messages by TheBrickGuys (13276)
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 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 10, 2017 11:58
 Subject: Re: Please give the forum a make over.
 Viewed: 72 times
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In General, Steineflut writes:
  In General, TheBrickGuys writes:
In other words, take at least a few minutes to learn the basics. You can not
make it any easier if you don't bother to try to learn it. In the same amount
of time it took you to complain how difficult the forum is to navigate and to
say you will probably never use it again, if instead you took that time and used
it to hit a few buttons, tap a few links, etc, you would have learned that it
already IS EASY to use.



Okay, I get how we all love that nothing ever changes and that we love to keep
stuff the way it is but seriously, the guy is absolutely right!!!
And I am sure that this is the reason why there are about 100 people in this
forum when the site is used by thousands!
Even though you can click on a million buttons to make it look like you want
it to, it should look like that from the start and not with clicking links on
the bottom of a page every single time you want to read something.

The studio beta forum is what a normal forum should look like. It's been
invented... probably about 25 years ago!

- Nadine

All you have to do is set up a page with the setting you like and then save it
as a favorite up on your favorites bar and you wont have to keep clicking on
the options. Just do it once and all is well.

As far as changing the way it looks, I am all for that. I love the changes BL
has done so far. The only reason I kind of got on the guys case was because he
was complaining (with more of an attitude) about things that need to be changed
but was not even willing to see if the options he wanted already existed. He
complained even before he took just a couple of minutes to learn what options

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 10, 2017 00:38
 Subject: Re: Please give the forum a make over.
 Viewed: 73 times
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In General, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Suggestions, thiswizard writes:
  Bricklink's forum is very ugly and hard to read/navigate. Why do I have to
click on the replies (Msgs) one by one? All responses should be displayed on
one screen.

Already possible. Click the balloon or link below the page 'Show entire thread
on 1 page'.

   Also what's the point of "RE: what's this?" showing up 17
times in a row on the main page. Each post should only be displayed once.

Already there. Click the 'Without repliedls' on top of the page.

  If it gets a reply, the post should go bold so that readers know there is a new
response. This way the front page isn't spammed to high heaven. Maybe it's
because I'm using my phone?

Yes it is. Posts change colour when read.

   I've never tried on a desktop or laptop.

Try it.

  Anyway, these forums are gross to look at. I can't imagine ever using this

In other words, take at least a few minutes to learn the basics. You can not
make it any easier if you don't bother to try to learn it. In the same amount
of time it took you to complain how difficult the forum is to navigate and to
say you will probably never use it again, if instead you took that time and used
it to hit a few buttons, tap a few links, etc, you would have learned that it
already IS EASY to use.


 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Apr 3, 2017 13:38
 Subject: Re: Ban selling custom parts
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  This is an old argument and it will never be implemented because there is money
to be made off this kind of part.

I don't know if you are referring to BrickLink as the ones wanting to make
the money off of these parts but if you are I don't think it is true because
the money they make off of them is sooo small that it would hardly affect their
bottom line.

  There is a lot of parts that have been chromed or have been fabricated
as weapons. Where does the non-official parts stop? Why can I not take a megablock
3x5 plate, grind off the studs, paint it and sell it as a custom part? Why are
individuals allowed to change parts and megablocks are forbidden?

I think Rick above stated the argument why Meagablock and the like are not allowed
but why custom parts are (including colored Lego parts) when he stated - "I
consider Tyco and Megablock competition with LEGO while customizers and their
parts are not, they accentuate LEGO" - I think this sums up the whole reason
why BrickLink allows custom parts but not Megablock. They want to keep this site
dedicate to Lego but they do allow the custom parts for the sake of the builders
but not for the sake of their bottom line.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Feb 2, 2017 20:28
 Subject: Re: This will reduce scammers by 95%
 Viewed: 37 times
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In Suggestions, Jamesf077 writes:
  How about giving some power to the community. Three seperate suspect scam reports
from seperate members and the store is automaticaly suspended until admin have
time to check it out. The rule could be a report has to come from established
users with a minimum positive feeback score.
Say, when you have over 100 feedback you are allowed access to the 'scam
report' button. I'm sure a simple programme could be installed to facilitate

I agree. That would be a good added safety feature.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Feb 2, 2017 14:56
 Subject: Re: This will reduce scammers by 95%
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In Suggestions, Heartbricker writes:
  I believe that if Bricklink will allow new sellers to set up a shop ONLY AFTER
THEY HAVE COMPLETED 10 successful transactions as buyers- the scams by 0 feedback
sellers (that pop everyday) will stop by a high margin.

The beauty of this is that they can't start multiple new seller accounts
to prop up their buying feedbacks too.

I think this will work...

Putting aside all the posts that say it wont work, I think it is a great idea.
It will not stop 100% of all the scammers but it will stop at least 95% (like
you said). Yes, as one poster said, coming up with an idea that would stop 100%
of the scammers of course would be better but to stop 95% with just one simple
change like this would be great.

Here are just 3 thoughts as to why I think your idea would work great at stopping
95% of the scum scammers:

1, Scammers like to make their money fast and disappear. Needing 10 FB's
would cause them to have to wait until they placed 10 orders, receive invoices
and pay for all 10, and then wait until they receive their needed 10 FB's
from 10 sellers. This would take more time and effort them most scammers would
be willing to spend.

2, Going along with the #1 above, scammers like to set up one fake account take
as many suckers as they can then disappear as that seller and then open up different
fake account, scam some more suckers, etc. They cant do that with out waiting
for those 10 feedbacks for every account they open. Also, for every false account
they open they will need a real address for each fake account or they will not
be getting any of their orders. Some of those orders will be returned which will
also start to raise flags.

3, Scammers DO NOT like to spend their own money, they only want to take ours.
Even if they only place 10 cent orders the postage will still be at least around
lets say $2.50 so times that by 10 equals at least 26.00 bucks.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Oct 28, 2016 11:41
 Subject: Re: Add feedback link to order detail screen
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  That wouldn't work well, because it would be exploited by scam sellers --
they would never mark the orders as shipped, so they would not get negative feedback
and could extend their scam. or, for a less extreme example, a seller.who thinks
they might get a negative could avoid it by not marking the order as shipped.


Not if the original button is left alone for posting mass feedback.

I do like the idea as long as there was a "Contact Buyer" button right next to
it as already suggested.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Sep 5, 2016 18:17
 Subject: Re: Pay Your Fees Now! (please?)
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You guys have to be kidding me!! The reason it has the word 'Now' is
not for the sake of demanding anything. Think about it guys, the word is part
of the phrase "Pay Your Fees Now" and is attached to a button that directly takes
you to a page to do what?... To pay your fees now, not latter but now.

It is the correct grammar for the situation and to add please to the button would
actually be incorrect because the phrase "Pay Your Fees Now is not asking you
to do anything, it is not a demand, not even a statement - it is a button.

By giving us the button, "Pay Your Fees Now", they are just trying to simplify
the procedure so that we don't have to hunt around to figure out how to pay
our fees.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 6, 2016 12:33
 Subject: Re: No feedback for cancelled orders
 Viewed: 69 times
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In Suggestions, Shintaku writes:

Can someone explain me why are feedback allowed for cancelled orders?

Example: I have a buyer, who bought hundreds of euro of stuff from me. After
7 days you can start a NPB. After 14 days you can cancel the order if you are
lucky that they do not reply. If they reply, it needs 21 days to cancel the order.

If you cancel the order BEFORE 21 days, they can leave a negative feedback.
If you cancel the order after those 21 days, they cannot leave a negative feedback.

So I usually wait 21 days (or 14 if I am lucky).

Thus, people can block hundreds of euro worth of lego from your store for 21
days. Yes, they will have a penalty, but it's however a big loss for a seller.

I believe that it would be more useful if no feedback for cancelled order was

Please if I am not correct help me to be corrected.

That is not a good idea. The principle behind the idea is good but in general
it is not a good idea because unscrupulous people can use it to their advantage.

1, I am a seller and you purchase some parts from me but one lot the average
price has sky rocketed and I realize that I can actually sell them for allot
more - no problem, I just cancel the order and block you from my store. no explanation
to you, nothing. Now I don't need to worry about any negative feed back.

2, I am a seller (like House Of Logos) and I have become really behind in filling
orders. You contact me about the fact that I have not sent you your order for
over a month - no problem. I just refund you your money, cancel your order and
again, no worries about negative feed backs.

There are allot more examples that could be brought up. The point is that preventing
leaving feed back for canceled orders can be abused.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Aug 5, 2016 11:09
 Subject: Re: It would be nice to attach pics to messages
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  Upload to My Pics and add the shortlink into the message.

There are a lot of way around it but I agree, it would be nice to just have a
simple way of sending a pic right thru BL but not of cats, just dogs ONLY.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Jul 16, 2016 13:37
 Subject: Re: Negative Feedback: What if?
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In Suggestions, Thea writes:
  When the first party in the transaction clicks on the little negative feedback
dot, show a list of reasons for leaving negative feedback, including an Other
with the ability to explain in detail.

The list should include reasons that qualify for NPB, NSS, or NRS. The person
should be advised to use those options first.

Hold the feedback in limbo for a short specified time to give the other party
an opportunity to respond in a way that bricklink can see.

If the first party receives no response during the hold time, the feedback can
be posted. The second party should be able to post their own feedback under
the same method, if they can show a reasonable cause for not responding.

In other words, give the two parties the requirement to communicate through bricklink
first, outside of feedback and the Forum!

Always An Adventure!

I think this is the best, well thought out, idea on how to improve the FB system.
Thor made a good point though (in his normal way of non constructiveness on steroids)
about scam scum so I would say that with one adjustment this would be a great
thing for BL to implement. The adjustment I propose would be that anyone buying
from a seller with 20 or less selling FB can leave FB at any time.


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