Buying and Selling Offenses

All items listed for sale on BrickLink must be sold through the seller's store by a buyer submitting an order. If you have experienced any of these buying or selling abuses, take appropriate action.
  • Non-Paying Buyer (NPB) – Buyer does not pay for items after submitting an order.
  • Non-Responding Seller (NRS) – Seller does not respond to buyer (before payment is submitted).
  • Non-Shipping Seller (NSS) – Seller does not ship items to buyer after payment.
  • Fee Avoidance – A member is circumventing the BrickLink fee structure by:
    • Using member contact information or any BrickLink feature to offer to sell items outside of BrickLink.
    • Using our Contact Form to conduct business, either offering items for sale or requesting items to be sold, that would circumvent buyers from buying those items via submitting an order in the seller's store.
    • Using our Discussion Forum to offer items for sale not listed in the seller's BrickLink store, or inquiring about items for sale, or offering contact information.
    • After an order is submitted, seller offering for sale any items identical to the items listed in the seller's store or to items in the order in a manner that would circumvent submitting an order in that store or adding to an existing order placed to that store.
    • Seller cancelling a successful order with the intent of receiving a fee refund from BrickLink for that order.
    • Members using their Splash Page, Terms & Conditions, Shipping Policy, or About Me page to offer items for sale that would circumvent buyers from buying those items via submitting an order in the seller's store. This includes using a domain name or URL as your store name.
    • Submit a Problem Member Report
  • Linking – A member is linking from their Splash Page, Terms & Conditions, Shipping Policy, About Me page, or items for sale to another site that offers items for sale which are LEGO® brand products.
  • Limit of Feedback in Store Terms – Store terms which limit you from leaving feedback to the seller or limit you from leaving certain types of feedback (negative, for example) are automatically void.
  • Feedback as an Advertising Tool – It is prohibited to put links in feedback comments which link to pages outside of BrickLink. Such links may be automatically replaced with: (URL). Using a link in feedback comments such as which redirects directly into the seller's BrickLink store is acceptable.
  • Feedback Extortion – This is using feedback as leverage over a buyer or seller to obtain a certain outcome, or threatening a certain outcome if the buyer or seller does not leave the preferred feedback. We cannot accept reports of feedback extortion received through email outside of BrickLink because these can be easily falsified. To protect yourself, always use the BrickLink Contact form to communicate with your buyer or seller.

    Buyers must not demand additional goods, services, or refunds over and above what was agreed in the original transaction with the threat of negative feedback if the seller does not comply. Sellers are not allowed to require buyers to leave positive feedback or revise existing feedback in exchange for shipping items, completing refund requests, or providing monetary compensation. Sellers are, however, allowed to ask the buyer to leave positive feedback at the end of a successful transaction.

    • Contact the Help Desk to report feedback extortion.