Linking to My Store with a Referral ID

Sellers can add a unique referral ID to the end of their store URL. This may be the ID of a website or the user ID of a registered member. If a buyer enters the store via a link containing this referral ID and submits an order, then the bottom of the order detail screen will display:
  • First batch of this order has been referred by {website name} or:
  • First batch of this order has been referred by {username}
How to Link to your Store with a Referral ID:{username}?rID={referral ID}

  • User ID - Referral ID can be the user ID of a registered BrickLink member (most likely your own user ID). To find out what your user ID is, visit your Personal Information page. All referral user IDs are a positive number.
  • Website - Referral ID can also be a unique ID of a website defined in the system. All website referral IDs are a negative number. To create a unique referral ID for your website, please contact the Help Desk.