List of E-Mail Basic Macro Tags

Here is a complete list of all basic Macros that you can use (see also conditional block macro tags). Click here for an explanation of what Macro tags are and how you can use them. Each tag word should be inserted between two delimiters: <...>.

Usable On indicates the feature where you can use the macro. Certain features only allow certain macros:

I = Invoice and Quote for Request E-Mail
T = Thank You, Drive Thru E-Mail
N = Order and Quote Notification E-Mail
W = Wanted List Notification E-Mail
C = Coupon Notification E-Mail
S = Order Submitted Page
P = Purchase Notification

 Macro Tag  What's Substituted  Usable On
Generic Tags
CURRENTDATE Current date. I, T, N, W, C, S, P
CURRENTTIME Current time. I, T, N, W, C, S, P
CURRENTDATETIME Current date & time. I, T, N, W, C, S, P
LINE Line full of dashes: -------------------------------------- I, T, N, W, C, S, P
Order Related Information Tags
ORDERID Order ID I, T, N, S, P
ORDERDATE Date an order was submitted or last added to I, T, N, P
ORDERSTATUS Order Status I, T, N, S, P
ORDERSHIPPING Shipping charges you entered. If you didn't enter any, it is 0. I, T, P
ORDERINSURANCE Insurance charges you entered. If you didn't enter any, it is 0. On order notification instead of a dollar value this will be Yes / No as requested by the buyer upon checkout. I, T, N, P
ORDERTRACKINGREQ Yes / No as requested by the buyer upon checkout. N
ORDERADDCHRG1 Additional charges 1 you entered or Handling fee for instant checkout. If you didn't enter any, it is 0. I, T, P
ORDERADDCHRG2 Additional charges 2 you entered or Tracking fee for instant checkout. If you didn't enter any, it is 0. I, T, P
ORDERCREDIT Credit (discount) you entered + Credit from Coupon. I, T, P
ORDERBATCHTOTAL Total $ amount of one order batch excluding shipping, insurance and additional charges. N, S
ORDERTOTAL Total $ amount of order (all batches combined) excluding shipping, insurance and additional charges. I, T, N, S, P
ORDERBATCHLOTS Number of lots (unique items) in one order batch N, S
ORDERLOTS Number of lots (unique items) in whole order (all batches combined) I, T, N, S, P
ORDERBATCHITEMS Total number of items in one order batch N, S
ORDERITEMS Total number of items in order (all batches combined) I, T, N, S, P
ORDERSTATUSCHANGED Date and time the order status was last changed I, T, P
ORDERTRACKNO Tracking number I, T
PAYMENTTYPE Payment type the buyer has selected upon checkout I, T, N, S, P
PAYMENTSTATUSCHANGED Date and time the order payment status was last changed I, T, P
SHIPMETHODNAME Shipping Method the buyer has selected upon checkout I, T, N, P
ORDERDETAIL Summary of all detail items in an order broken down by batch including item description, quantity ordered, price for each item and price for total lot (quantity * price) I, N, P
USERNOTE Seller's Note on Buyer N, P
PAYINCURRENCYCODE 3-Letter ISO Code of the currency the buyer has selected upon checkout. I, T, N, S, P
PAYINCURRENCYNAME Name of the currency the buyer has selected upon checkout. I, T, N, S, P
BASECURRENCYSIGN Currency sign of store and order base currency. I, T, N, W, C, S, P
BASECURRENCYCODE 3-Letter ISO Code of order base currency. I, T, N, S, P
BASECURRENCYNAME Name of order base currency. I, T, N, S, P
BASEGRANDTOTAL Total $ amount of order (all batches combined) + shipping charges + insurance charges + additional charges - (credit + coupon value). I, T, S, P
DISPCURRENCYSIGN Currency sign of converted grand total currency. I, T, N, S, P
DISPCURRENCYCODE 3-Letter ISO Code of converted grand total currency. I, T, N, S, P
DISPCURRENCYNAME Name of converted grand total currency. I, T, N, S, P
DISPGRANDTOTAL Total $ amount of order (all batches combined) + shipping charges + insurance charges + additional charges - (credit + coupon value) converted to the currency in which the buyer pays for the order in. I, T, S, P
Seller Information Tags
SELLERUSERNAME Seller's BrickLink username I, T, N, W, C, P
SELLERFEEDBACK Seller's Current feedback rating (number only, not including parentheses) I, T, N, W, C, P
SELLERSTORENAME Name of the seller's store I, T, N, W, C, S, P
SELLERSTORESLOGAN Seller's store slogan I, T, N, W, C, S, P
SELLEREMAIL Seller's E-mail I, T, N, W, C, P
SELLERNAME Seller's first and last name I, T, N, W, C, P
SELLERADDRESS Seller's shipping address including street, city, state, zip code and country I, T, N, P
SELLERSHIPS Seller shipping preference (Internationally or within their own country only) W, C
SELLERMINIMUM Seller's minimum buy amount W, C
SELLERLOCATION Seller's location: Country, State. This is unique to wanted list notifications where we want to display where the seller is located but don't want to give out the seller's full address. W, C
Buyer Information Tags
BUYERUSERNAME Buyer's BrickLink Username I, T, N, W, C, S, P
BUYERUSERID Buyer's Numerical User ID I, T, N, W, C, S, P
BUYERFEEDBACK Buyer's Current feedback rating (number only, not including parentheses) I, T, N, W, C, P
BUYEREMAIL Buyer's E-mail I, T, N, W, C, P
BUYERNAME Buyer's first and last name I, T, N, W, C, P
BUYERADDRESS Buyer's shipping address including street, city, state, zip code and country I, T, N, P
BUYERSREGISTEREDADDRESS Buyer's registered address including street, city, state, zip code and country I, T, N, P
BUYERIPADDRESS Buyer's IP Address at the time of submitting an order. This one is only available on order notification since we see no reason putting it elsewhere. N, P
BUYERCOMMENTS Optional comments that the buyer entered upon checkout. Note that there is no closing tag on this one. N, P
BUYERORDERCNT Total count of all orders placed by the buyer in the seller's store. Includes the order just placed and also purged orders. I, T, N, S, P
{seller's additional comments} This tag is the only one that has both opening and closing brackets. Enter any additional default comments here, for example your paypal address. When generating an invoice, the additional comments between the tags will be shown inside a text area box which you can later add additional comments to. So it's default additional comments plus additional comments. You may also enclose any of the above tags in between the comments tags, for example: Please send grand total to paypal address I
Coupon Tags
COUPONVALUE Value of coupon (% off or $ amount) + "%Off Order Total" text. I, N, C, P
COUPONCREDIT Total value of coupon as a dollar amount. I, N, P
COUPONNOTE Coupon Note I, N, C, P
Wanted List Tags
WANTEDITEM Substituted are the item(s) that are on the buyer's wanted list available in the seller's shop. This contains item description, quantity, price (including sale) and link to the item in the seller's store. W
VAT Tags
VATID Seller's VAT ID. I, P
VATPCT VAT percentage. I, P
VATAMOUNT VAT amount when order is VAT inclusive in order base currency. I, P
ORDERVAT VAT amount BL collects in order base currency. I, P
NETGRANDTOTAL Net grand total excluding VAT in order base currency. I, P
NETGRANDTOTALVAT Net grand total excluding VAT on which standard VAT rate will be added. I, P
NETGRANDTOTALNOVAT Net grand total excluding VAT on which no VAT will be added. I, P
GROSSGRANDTOTAL Gross grand total including VAT in order base currency. I, P