E-Mail Notifications

Members with items on Wanted List are notified by e-mail when an item on their wanted list becomes available and meets their criteria and the member has selected to be notified by e-mail for that item. All new items added to a seller's inventory are flagged for notification. The seller can send out e-mail notifications at any time on the Notify Members page. Notifications are sent out only for items which are available, excluding items in closed stores and stockroom items. Notifications are sent only once for each item. The notification process sends out 1 e-mail per member containing all the items on their wanted list matching the items in the seller's inventory at the time the notifications were sent out.

E-Mail Notification Override:

You can override your e-mail notification preference for all items on your wanted list by selecting whether or not you want to be notified by e-mail on your My Wanted List Settings page. If you check the box, you will receive email notifications for the items on your list for which you have selected to be notified by e-mail. If you uncheck the box, you will not receive any e-mail notifications regardless of your e-mail notification preference on each item in your wanted list. This option will not change the notification preference you have set on each individual item in your wanted list.