Qty Left in Seller's Inventory

The Option Show Qty Left in My Inventory on an order detail screen shows remaining stock of the item sold in the seller's inventory. Only the seller in that transaction can see quantity information. This information is dynamic, meaning it shows quantity left in the inventory at the time the order detail screen is viewed.

How it Works:

  • The sold item matches remaining stock in inventory based on the same lot ID it was sold from. It does not sum together quantity of 2 or more of the same item in the seller's inventory.

Values Shown:

  • {qty left} - Clickable to edit that item in the seller's inventory.
  • 0 - Remaining quantity is zero (if item was set to be Retained in the seller's inventory and the item is a Stockroom item). Click to edit that item in the seller's inventory.
  • X - Item was deleted from seller's inventory when quantity reached 0 (Item was not set to be retained in the seller's inventory).

How to Show Stock Remaining:

Select the option "Show Qty Left in My Inventory" on the bottom of an order detail screen and/or set this option as default by clicking on My Settings also on the bottom of the order detail screen.