Changing Store Currency

Store prices can be changed to another currency on the Store Settings page.
  • Coupons – All coupons you have issued must be either redeemed or declined. You must delete all your open and expired coupons. Visit the Coupons Created page to delete coupons.
  • Shopping Cart – When you change the store currency and buyers have shopping cart items in the previous store currency, they receive an error message and their shopping cart contents are deleted. If you have a busy store, we recommend closing your store and waiting at least 24 hours before changing your store currency and prices of items for sale.

There are several areas of BrickLink affected by changes in store currencies.

  • Orders – A different store currency creates a new order. A buyer cannot add to an existing order in a different currency than your current store currency. The totals at the bottom of the Orders Received page will not show for 6 months from the date you change your currency.
  • Order Item Removal Request – Items removed from an order cannot be returned to the seller's inventory if the currency of the ordered item is different from the seller's current store currency.
  • Cancelling an Order – If the order currency is different than your current store currency, orders can only be cancelled by adjusting item prices before returning items to your store inventory. Adjusting item prices occurs through system prompts in the first step of order cancellation.
  • Changing Your Prices – Our system does not adjust prices when you change your store currency. For example, if you change your currency from USD to EUR, the price of your item will be changed from 1 USD to 1 EUR. You can increase or decrease prices for your entire inventory on the My Inventory page.
  • Changing My Cost – The system does not adjust your cost prices. You can increase or decrease your cost for your entire inventory on your My Inventory page.
  • Exchange Rates – If you accept additional currencies, our system will display your prices in another currency and convert the order total to the currency selected by the buyer. Read more on the Exchange Rate Policy page.