Discussion Forum Rules

The BrickLink Discussion Forum allows our users to gather together to ask questions, discuss topics, and support each other. To ensure that the Forum remains positive and productive, the following rules have been established.

Discussion Forum Rules
  1. Be respectful of others. We don't want to discourage banter or healthy debate. However, hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users, BrickLink, or its employees are not acceptable.
  2. Avoid libel or unfounded statements as they can be harmful to both our users and the site as a whole. This includes concerns about scams.
  3. Do not share any personal information about you or anyone else including an e-mail address, physical mailing address, or telephone number.
  4. Posts should not include foul language, lewd, or other offensive content, or links to such content. This includes replacing offensive words with alternate letters or characters, pornography, or any kind of racial/prejudicial content.
  5. You cannot offer items for sale which are not listed in your store on the site.
  6. No active promotion of a competitor's website. Linking to other websites that offer items for sale that can be sold on the site is also not allowed.
  7. No posting of or linking to confidential information or images from the LEGO Group.
  8. No religious or political discussions.
  9. No posting messages for currently banned users or otherwise circumventing said ban.

These rules are enforced by Discussions Moderators who have the final say on what is appropriate to maintain a positive and friendly atmosphere in the forums. At their discretion, they may cancel posts without warning that do not comply. Failure to follow the rules may result in suspension of your Forum posting privileges.