Colors - Additional Notes

  • Flat Silver and Pearl Light Gray -

    2000: The LEGO Group introduces color 131 Silver, and BrickLink is founded. BrickLink introduces colors Flat Silver and Pearl Light Gray to describe the perceived color difference between parts that are both made in 131 Silver but made of different types of plastics. Flat Silver and Pearl Light Gray are assigned to parts arbitrarily based on appearance. There is one LEGO silver color mapped to both Pearl Light Gray and Flat Silver.

    2005: The LEGO Group introduces color 296 Cool Silver as a replacement for 131 Silver. The new color is significantly lighter than 131 Silver, and BrickLink lumps it into Pearl Light Gray instead of introducing a new color. Flat Silver and Pearl Light Gray are still assigned to parts arbitrarily based on appearance. There are now two LEGO silver colors mapped to Pearl Light Gray (131 Silver and 296 Cool Silver) and one mapped to Flat Silver (131 Silver).

    2006: The LEGO Group brings back a reformulated 131 Silver for use simultaneously with 296 Cool Silver but begins to phase out 296 Cool Silver. Flat Silver and Pearl Light Gray are still assigned to parts arbitrarily based on appearance. There are still two LEGO silver colors mapped to Pearl Light Gray (131 Silver and 296 Cool Silver) and one mapped to Flat Silver (131 Silver).

    2010: The LEGO Group introduces color 315 Silver Metallic as a replacement for 131 Silver. The new color is much more consistent than 131 Silver but is still much darker than 296 Cool Silver. BrickLink lumps this new color into Flat Silver instead of introducing a new color. There are now two LEGO silver colors mapped to Pearl Light Gray (131 Silver and 296 Cool Silver) and two mapped to Flat Silver (131 Silver and 315 Silver Metallic).

    2022: BrickLink begins to take steps to disentangle the three LEGO silver colors (131 Silver, 296 Cool Silver, and 315 Silver Metallic) lumped under Pearl Light Gray and Flat Silver. Pearl Light Gray is redefined as the two LEGO silver colors used prior to 2010 (131 Silver and 296 Cool Silver), and Flat Silver is redefined as a direct correlation to 315 Silver Metallic. There are currently two LEGO silver colors mapped to Pearl Light Gray (131 Silver and 296 Cool Silver) and one mapped to Flat Silver (315 Silver Metallic).

    Future: BrickLink may or may not introduce a third silver color so that all three LEGO silver colors (131 Silver, 296 Cool Silver, and 315 Silver Metallic) have a direct correlation to a BrickLink color. The BrickLink color names may need to be updated to create harmony between them if this occurs.

  • Grays and Brown -

    Pre-2000: The LEGO Group introduces colors 2 Grey, 27 Dark Grey, 103 Light Grey, and 25 Earth Orange.

    2000: BrickLink is founded and introduces colors Light Gray, Dark Gray, Very Light Gray, and Brown to correspond to 2 Grey, 27 Dark Grey, 103 Light Grey, and 25 Earth Orange, respectively.

    2004: The LEGO Group reformulates the gray and brown colors and introduces colors 194 Medium Stone Grey, 199 Dark Stone Grey, 208 Light Stone Grey, and 192 Reddish Brown as replacements for 2 Grey, 27 Dark Grey, 103 Light Grey, and 25 Earth Orange, respectively. The new grays look bluer than the old grays and the new brown looks redder than the old brown. BrickLink introduces colors Light Bluish Gray, Dark Bluish Gray, Very Light Bluish Gray, and Reddish Brown to correspond to 194 Medium Stone Grey, 199 Dark Stone Grey, 208 Light Stone Grey, and 192 Reddish Brown, respectively.

  • Dark Red -

    2001: The LEGO Group introduces color 154 Dark Red, and BrickLink introduces color Dark Red to correspond to it. Over the next decade, the color has significant variability in translucency and brightness depending on the part and when it was manufactured.

    2010: The LEGO Group reformulates the color and renames it 154 New Dark Red. The color is now much more consistent. BrickLink does not introduce a new color.

  • Pearl Gold - This color has three distinct shades that are not recognized as separate colors by BrickLink. The lightest shade is not the same as Pearl Light Gold and the darkest shade is not the same as Flat Dark Gold.