About Me Pages: About unordained (277)
Dear Seller,

As soon as I receive a package, I dump it out on a large surface to sort, count, and verify the contents against the order. I'm happy to receive bulk-packaged packages, they save me time and I already have more zip-top baggies than I know what to do with.

I will contact you immediately if there are any differences (up or down). PLEASE verify package accuracy before sending. Without naming names, it seems like 1/4 of the orders I place come back short of a few parts, often leading to second packages to make up the difference (thank you, kind sellers). I would really rather you keep your profit margin on my order, and save me time-to-completion, by only needing to send one, accurate, package.

If you do not have all parts I have ordered, please let me know before packing. In some cases I will approve the order modification, in others I may request a cancellation as you may be short of the one part I actually really needed (all others were "while I was at it" parts.) I'm sure your parts are very nice, and your prices reasonable, but if I'm going to have to place another order anyway to get everything I need for a project, I may have an incentive to place a single order at a different store than yours.

Thank you!

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