About Me Pages: About BrickDesignerNL (203)

Thanks for your intrest in me :-)

I'm trying to make inventive constructions with Lego, like you.

I've just designed a gearbox (reverse, P and 1-6) that can be switched manually (works like in a normal non-automatic car) or can be controlled remote with the use of only one micromotor. No RSX used (I don't have a Mindstorm set).

Previously I designed a steering, drive and shockbreak system for one wheel that only relies on standard components (liftarms, axes, pins, shockbreaker and 6536B's) that is 100% compatible (size, connection places, steering angle), but can take more load then, the wheel hanging on a Lego racing car without drive in the steering wheels, while those constructions even use special bricks!

Next I'll try some way to trigger the gear shift (up as well as down) by the speed of the engine. And maybe work on something pneumatic for the engine that takes not to much space.

Maybe I'll try to make drum brake :)

I hope you'll have a jolly good Legoday!

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