About Me Pages: About wyldkat1976 (5968)
Hi, This is Kev of Kat's Bits n' Kits, and this just to let you people out there know a bit about me, the lovely wife(yes she is watching over my shoulder as I type this), my wonderful children(Only wonderful at the moment because they are both in bed asleep!) and why we set up our shop. My name is Kev as I have already said, the wife's name is Karina, or Kat for short,hence the shop name, and we have a beautiful daughter, Roxanne who is nearly 6(Going on 24, to hear the back chat) and a 2 1/2 year old son Kurtis. I loved collecting Lego when I was young in the 70's and 80's and noticed how popular it was when we went on line 6 years ago and was browsing through E Bay. I started out buying sets for my daughter, but quickly found out she was not interested in lego for her age group and instead started to want older age group lego. She has a thing for harry potter lego and pirates, but doesn't mind the odd set of Belville to fuel her imagination. I mean how many 6 year olds have Harry Potter collections worth £500+(hence why you will not see too much Potter stuff available in our shop). Our stock as been built up from buying and selling on E bay over the last 5 years, and I am proud of the fact that all our stock( and the Kids stock, Kids christmas presents, various household items, and a Holiday) has been funded from 1 intial £20 purchase, sold on for a good profit, etc, etc. We only opened in late September this year, and have worked hard in between full time jobs to list 20,000+ parts in the first 2 months, and hope to reach 50,000+ within 6 months, so if you do not see what you are looking for now, please keep looking as we may well have it in the future. Well thank you for taking the time to read this, and a special thank you to all our customers, many of which are already repeat customers, for helping us to get established. Best wishes, Kev, Kat, Roxanne and Kurtis
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